Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu showed two maps during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly on this Friday that referred to India as a “Blessing” and Iran as a “Curse”. It seems devoid of the Aspiring and enters it in light of the escalation of conflict with Iran, especially after the recent events. The “Blessing” map revealed Netanyahu’s idea about future integration between Israel and Arab nations; the map shows a corridor that passes through the Indian Ocean from Asia to the Mediterranean Sea, joining Asia and Europe through the Arabian Peninsula.

This was the complete opposite of what Netanyahu described as an “arc of terror” created by Iran, which encircles Hormuz and reaches the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. This map was not well received and included the West Bank and Gaza Strip of Palestine along with the Golan heights of Syria, which were color-coded to Israel. Instead of being an impressive array of maps, Netanyahu’s presentation was also the plea of an Israeli prime minister asking for the world’s assistance in confronting Iran and, especially, persuading countries to implement sanctions and cooperate with Israel in order to delay the emergence of Iranian nuclear weapons.

While delivering his speech, Netanyahu expressed dissatisfaction with the world’s policy concerning Iran in the past, saying: “For years, the world has turned the other way to Iran’s domestic policies and aggressive foreign policy. That policy of appeasement must be ended—and it must be ended now.” He also looked at the support that Iran offered to Hezbollah, noting that any attacks from Iran would be met with a response from Israel; he stated, “There is no private corner in Iran which the hand of Israel cannot reach.” That is true for the entire Middle East.”

The relations between the two countries have remained tense since July after the assassination of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, and Iran continues to describe Israeli military actions in Lebanon as “war crimes.” Netanyahu’s speech highlights the intensification of the tensions and the determination of Israel to counter Iran’s aggression in the Middle East.

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