Mumbai: The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) seized Amphetamine, opium and Zolpidem tablets in varying quantities from different locations in suburban Andheri and South Mumbai and arrested an Ivorian national, an official said on Tuesday. The collective value of the seizure is estimated at Rs 13 crore. These substances, seized over the last 4 days, were supposed to be smuggled out of India to Australia, Maldives, Dubai, the USA, New Zealand and Switzerland by members of drug syndicates through airways, the official said.

The federal anti-drugs agency seized a total of 2.296 kg Amphetamine, 3.906 kg opium and 2.525 kg Zolpidem tablets during the raids. The NCB suspects the role of employees of some private air courier companies, he said. The operation was led by Mumbai NCB zonal director Sameer Wankhede during which raids were conducted at 8 places in Mumbai, he said. The NCB arrested an Ivorian national in this case. Six cases were registered and further investigation is underway, Wankhede said, adding that the total value of the seizure is around Rs 13 crore.

On Monday, the NCB seized 3.906 kg opium concealed in an oven, also in Andheri, the official said, adding that the seized substance was supposed to be smuggled out to Male, Maldives. Later, the NCB seized 2.525 kg of Zolpidem tablets concealed in eatables and grocery items. They were destined for Texas, the USA, the official said. In another operation, at least 941 gm Amphetamine which was hidden in cycling helmets and bangles was seized in Andheri (East). This consignment was destined for Australia, he said. On Monday and Tuesday, the NCB seized a total of 848 gm of Amphetamine concealed in hose pipes and tie box in Dongri, which was meant to be dispatched to Dubai, UAE and New Zealand, he said. On Tuesday, 17 gm Amphetamine was seized from a hard disk (1 TB capacity) also in Andheri, which was destined to Switzerland, the official said.