The world’s largest  vaccination drive against COVID-19 began in India on January 16, since when over 2,24,300 health workers and frontline workers have been vaccinated. Out of the total number of beneficiaries, 447 people reportedly had to face adverse effects post-vaccination, including 3 of them having to get hospitalized. 

One of the senior health ministry officials, Manohar Agnani, addressed the media persons, stating – “A total of 447 adverse events following immunization (AEFI) reported so far, of which only three cases required hospitalization.” He further added that most of the adverse effects were minor, including nausea, fever, and headache.

The health ministry has praised the vaccinators for ensuring that India vaccinated the highest number of people among the countries who have started any kind of inoculation drive. “India has the highest number of people vaccinated on the first day of COVID-19 vaccination drive with close to 2,25,000 vaccinations”.

It is noteworthy that, India on January 16 launched the world’s largest inoculation drive, intending to curb the spread of the contagious virus, The nation’s initial aim was to vaccinate a total of 30 million frontline workers, throughout the initial phase of the drive.