Madhya Pradesh: Abiding by the international norms we shall try to help the cheetas adapt to their new home, said PM Modi addressing th nation after he released the Cheetas into the Kuno National Park that arrived from Namibia on Saturday morning in Madhya Pradesh. He stressed on sensibiltiy sustainbility while stating that India is land of adaptability.

Reintroduction of Cheetas was planned by the centre after a scientific and biological study was carried out, following which Kuno National Park was selected as the best place to get reintroduce the big cats into the Indian wildlife system.

PM Modi also shed light on the govt’ efforts to protect the Asia tiger which is now found in large numbers across Gujarart. He added that research based policies and contribution in gujrat- helmed the rise in the livelihood of wildlife animals. He further added that the near tk extinct one horned Rhinos in Assam were addressed in time and the protected.

PM Modi today on his 72 nd birthday sporting a Feodora hat released two cheetahs from enclosure number one and after that, about 70 meters away, from the second enclosure released another one. He was later seen capturing images of the divine scenes from a professional camera.

Radio collars have been strapped on all the cheetahs to be monitored through satellite. There is a dedicated monitoring team behind each cheetah which will monitor their movements around the clock.

The cheetahs have arrived in their new home- KUNO – heavenly habitat for our cats,” the minister tweeted, sharing pictures from the airbase.