Mumbai Police received a threat message on Saturday claiming to target Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The message was traced back to a number registered in Ajmer, Rajasthan, prompting the immediate dispatch of a police team to apprehend the suspect.
First Information Report (FIR) has been filed under the appropriate sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita. The Mumbai traffic police helpline has previously received numerous hoax threat messages.
Police traced the number to Ajmer, Rajasthan, and a team has been dispatched to apprehend the suspect. Investigators suspect the sender may be mentally unstable or under the influence of alcohol, though the investigation is ongoing.
A FIR has been registered under relevant sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, the official added.
Death threats to Salman Khan
In the last 10 days, Mumbai traffic police has received 2 messages threatening to kill actor Salman Khan. The latest message sent on Friday read: “If Salman Khan wants to stay alive, he should go to a temple (Bishnoi community temple in Rajasthan) and apologise to the community or pay ₹5 crore. If he does not do the same, we will eliminate him. The Bishnoi gang is still active.”
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