Mumbai: A 28-year-old man in West Bengal was arrested by the Maharashtra Anti-terrorist Unit (ATS) under the direction of Chief Vineet Agarwal on Saturday. The accused is identified to possess counterfeit Indian Currency notes and is on the run for over seven years. 

On receiving a tip from sources, the Mumbai ATS nabbed the accused identified as Athar Ayub from Malda district of West Bengal. He has been charged under Sections 489(A), (B) and 34 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and is kept under transit remand for six days.

According to ATS officials, Athar was involved in supplying counterfeit currency from Bangladesh. Sources report that ATS had earlier in 2014 arrested seven accused and seized 517 currency notes of Rs 1,000 amounting to Rs 5,17,000.