MADHYA PRADESH: A school teacher in MP was suspended for attending the Rahul Gandhi-led Bharat Jodo yatra in Barwani district, an official said on Saturday. Rajesh Kannoje a teacher at the Govt Primary School under the state’s Tribal Affairs Dept was suspended on Nov 25th after he attended the foot march. The matter, however, came to the fore after the suspension order surfaced online.

According to Assistant Commissioner of the Tribal Affairs Dept, NS Raghuvanshi Kannoje violated the service conduct rules by attending a political rally.” He had sought a leave citing important work but posted photographs on social media after attending a political event, he said pressing the reporters.”

The order mentioned that Kannoje violated service conduct rules on Nov 24th for which the authorities issued him a suspension order. It has been mentioned in the suspension letter that due to violation of Rule 5 of Madhya Pradesh Civil Service Conduct 1965 by participating in the rally of a political party under Bharat Jodo Yatra, Rule 9 of Madhya Pradesh Civil Service (Classification Control and Appeal) Rules 1966 is suspended with immediate effect.

Meanwhile, the Bharat Jodo Yatra resumed from Agar Malwa at the bus stop in Mahudiya village in Agar Malwa around 6 am. Rahul Gandhi was joined by Namdeo Das Tyagi, popularly known as ‘Computer Baba’ along with senior leader and former Madhya Pradesh chief minister Kamal Nath. Tyagi is an Indian Hindu ascetic and environmentalist; he was earlier also given the status of the minister by the Shivraj Singh Chouhan government in 2018.

As per the schedule announced earlier by the Congress, the foot march will cover a distance of 380 kms in the Malwa-Nimar region of western Madhya Pradesh within 12 days before entering Rajasthan on December 4.