Amid the lockdown, our workplaces have changed from offices to homes, our routines have changed, our life has turned around, but one person who has tried to keep it all positive and constructive, has made our stay at homes far more enjoyable, are our mothers. A day is never enough to celebrate the one who has made each day of our life, a celebration itself. Yet, to tell her, express her what she means to you, it is a quite good idea.

Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of every May. A campaign started by Anna Jarvis of the US for a special day to celebrate the role of mothers in our lives led to this celebration every year. However, the commercialization of the day was not that she had wished for. The kind of celebration this year, amid the lockdown, we are going to have is the one she might have thought of. 

Google wished all the mothers of the World by a creative doodle that motivates one to get creative this year and to gift her something self made instead of buying a gift.

A mother is, undoubtedly, the most precious blessing for a child, in all living creatures, be it humans, animals, birds or even the smallest of insects. The bond between a mother and her child is the purest one. She is the first teacher a child has, the first friend, the first guide, the first caretaker. 

While, love is one thing that mothers shower on their kids infinitely, giving them strength & courage, teaching them to learn to fight against all odds are other qualities that a mother instills her child with. Modern mothers or traditional mothers, one thing common in both of them is the Care, the way of expression might be different, but the core remains the same.

Gender doesn’t define a mother, the nurturing quality in a person does. Single fathers in our society, have become the best mothers a child could have.

Let’s read some of the best quotes that define the most beautiful word, Mother.

Go ahead, wish your mother, express your love, prepare a breakfast, make a card or simply give her a tight hug and tell her how much she means to you. And most importantly, cherish the blessing that you have, each day. Happy Mother’s Day !