New Delhi: On Tuesday, the Lok Sabha introduced the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Bill, 2023 which is set for consideration and approval on Wednesday. Despite opposition protests, Union Home Minister Amit Shah affirmed that Parliament holds the authority to pass laws pertaining to Delhi.
During the Monsoon Session of Parliament, three bills were successfully passed in Rajya Sabha on Tuesday. These include the Biological Diversity (Amendment) Bill, 2023; Multi-State Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Bill, 2023; and the Mediation Bill, 2021. Although these bills faced opposition protests, they were approved through a voice vote. Additionally, two bills were introduced in the House.
The upcoming highlight of this session will be a no-confidence motion against the Narendra Modi government in Lok Sabha. The debate on this motion is scheduled from August 8 to 10. Congress lawmaker Gaurav Gogoi initiated this motion on July 26, setting the stage for a battle between the ruling National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and the newly formed Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA).
With bills and motions on the agenda, intense discussions and debates continue to characterize this Monsoon Session concerning critical matters related to Delhi and our nation as a whole.
Om Birla, the Speaker of Lok Sabha, takes charge of overseeing the proceedings, ensuring a progression of the session in the face of differing opinions and voices from different political groups.