New Delhi: Replying on Motion of Thanks in LS, PM Modi jibed at the opposition. Beginning with paying tributes to the legendary vocalist, Late Lata Mangeshkar, Modi laid down the growth India witnessed under his reign.

After Congress MPs attempted to disrupt the speech, PM Modi went down the lane, slamming the Congress party. He said, “ This place [Parliament] should be used for the country. But you used it for party politics and now we are bound to reply to you.

“It’s not about election results, it’s about intention of the Congress party. So many elections you lost still your arrogance doesn’t go. Your ecosystem doesn’t let your arrogance go, he added.”

Hitting directly at the Former Party president, he said, “ The Congress Party has crossed all limits in this time of Covid-19. During the first wave, when people were following lockdowns, guidelines were suggesting that people stay where they are, the Congress was standing at Mumbai Station and scaring innocent people.”

The Prime Minister said the statements and the actions of the opposition party suggest that it has resigned itself to stay out of power for 100 years.

The Budget session began on 31st January with the Presidents’ address. The first part of the session would conclude on February 11th while the second half is scheduled to begin from March 14th  until April 8th.