The Manipur cabinet has also opted to bring Laishram Kamalbabu Singh, a 56-year-old Meitei man who the army alleges ‘disappeared,’ from Leimakhong Army camp on November 25 onwards, under the CBI. This was done in a state cabinet meeting presided over by Chief Minister N. Biren Singh on Saturday to get rid of bias in the official investigation into the matter.
Laishram Kamalbabu Singh, 43, was visiting his native village, Loitang Khunou, in Imphal West district, which is in Manipur state, but he was originally from Cachar district in Assam state, where he lived with his family till workers’ riots took place in his residence a few years ago. They said Kamalbabu went to work as usual on Monday, November 25, and can only be traced up to 2:00 p.m. when his mobile phone was switched off. In his absence, his family members filed a complaint at Sekmai police station, where a zero FIR was taken to begin the investigation.
They have fled from home, which has led to unrest among people throughout the region due to this mysterious disappearance. Protesters, mostly women in large masses, have since emerged and lined major streets in protest over the non-existence of Kamalbabu and the need for authorities to explain his disappearance. The protests expressed the concerns and anxieties of the locals of the given area due to their lack of understanding of the case.
Members of the Manipur government were quoted saying that transferring the case to the CBI shows their sincerity in getting the case solved in the best and most professional way. The cabinet’s action is focused on people’s states and tendencies to reveal the circumstances of Kamalbabu’s death.
Also, as the investigations go on, the Manipur government has appealed to its people to be calm and let the authorities work. This is to ensure that cases that impact so many members of society are dealt with in as transparent and accountable manner as possible.
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