Mumbai: In the latest development in the 2021 drug on-cruise case involving Aryna Khan, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) recently summoned Munmun Dhamecha, one of the accused. She reached the investigating agency today for an investigation that is being carried out against the former Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) zonal director Sameer Wankhede.

CBI has been investigating a case of corruption and extortion against Sameer Wankhede, Ashish Rajan Prasad, Kiran Gosavi and two others for allegedly collecting Rs. 50 lakhs of the total demand of Rs 25 crores from Shah Rukh Khan. Aryan Khan, Munmun Dhamecha, and Arbaaz Merchant were arrested in drugs on cruise case and were later granted bail for lack of sufficient evidence.

Earlier on July 5, the Bombay High Court on Wednesday extended interim relief from arrest to the former NCB zonal director till July 20 in the alleged bribery case. Before this, the Bombay HC extended his prevention from arrest on June 28 for another week and listed the case till July 5.

The agency said that the deal was closed for Rs 18 crores adding that assets to Wankhade were not proportionate to his known sources of income. The investigating agency said the assets to Wankhede were not proportionate to his known sources of income. Wankhede has alleged that he was being punished for being a patriot. His statement came in response to the CBI raids at his residence and other premises.