Gwalior: 72 dengue positive cases have been found in Gwalior in the last 24 hours. Of these, 50 are from Gwalior only. Of these, 35 are below 18 years of age. So far this year, this is the record for getting the maximum number of dengue cases in a single day. Along with this, the patients of viral fever are also increasing rapidly. The rainy season is over, during which the filth that has flowed from all over the city is deposited in the drains.

Dengue cases are increasing continuously in the district. On Dussehra, 35 people of the city got the dengue test done, out of which 9 people were found positive. At the same time, the number of people who have been suffering from dengue in the district has increased to 672. The number of patients reaching the OPD of JAH (Jayarogya Hospital) has also increased. There is also no comprehensive system of treatment of children in Kamalaraja Hospital. So far 724 cases of dengue have been found in the city Gwalior. Most of the blood banks in the city do not have kits for extracting jumbo platelets. The stock of these kits is decreasing in the private blood banks of the city as well as the blood banks of Jayarogya Hospital and Red Cross. 

The rash of infections has led to overcrowding. At the Subhash Chandra Bose Government Medical Hospital, Jabalpur, 70 children have been admitted, although there are 40 beds in the paediatric ward. District Collector Kaushalendra Vikram Singh, in this case, says that efforts are being made to prevent dengue. The beds are constantly being increased. The Health Department has been directed to make arrangements continuously.