Madhya Pradesh: Pratap Singh Yadav a farmer from Madhya Pradesh got lucky as he stumbled on a diamond in a mine. Notably, the 11.88-carat diamond was found in the Panna region, which is profusely rich in diamond mines. The diamond worth Rs 50 lakh found by the farmer will be auctioned as per government guidelines, returns of which will be given to the farmer, said diamond officer Ravi Patel on Wednesday.

Talking to reporters, Mr Yadav said, “I am a poor man with a small agricultural land. I also work as a labourer. I have been working hard in this mine for the past three months and got this diamond and deposited it to the Diamond Office.” The money received from the auction of this diamond will be used for setting up a business and to fund the education of his children.

The farmer wants to use the money received from the auction for the education of his children and to set up a business. Officials inform the raw diamond would be auctioned and the proceeds would be given to the farmer after deduction of the government royalty and taxes.