INDIA: From 4th May onwards, India is prepared to enter into the third phase of the nation-wide lockdown due to COVID-19 Pandemic. After surviving two phases of lockdown that began from 25th March until 3rd May, the country has managed to control the Coronavirus cases. However, the lockdown costs heavily to the economy of the nation.

Consequently, the third phase of lockdown comes along with various relaxations in different parts of the country. The Centre has categorised various districts of all states according to the number of cases reported and accordingly has allowed activities and services to operate.

The districts with zero confirmed cases till date or no confirmed case in the last 21 days, form the Green Zone. Under Red Zone, are the districts that have been identified taking into account the total number of active cases, doubling rate of confirmed cases, extent of testing & surveillance feedback from the districts. However, the districts that fall neither under Red nor the Green are classified as the Orange Zone.

There are certain activities that will remain prohibited nationally irrespective of the zones.

  • Travel by air, rail, metro & inter-state movement by road
  • Schools, colleges & other educational training/coaching institutions.
  • Hospitality services including hotels & restaurants.
  • Places of large gatherings such as cinema halls, malls, gyms, sport complexes, etc.
  • Social, political, cultural & other kinds of gatherings as well as religious places.
  • Movement of persons by air, rail & road allowed for select purposes.

The Centre has also issued certain safety measures applicable across the country.

  • Movement of individuals for all non-essential activities strictly prohibited between 7pm to 7am.
  • Local authorities to issue orders and ensure strict compliance.
  • Persons above 65 years, those with comorbidities, pregnant women & children below 10 years to stay home except for essentials & health purposes.
  • OPDs & Medical clinics to operate in Red, Orange & Green Zones with social distancing norms & other safety precautions

National Directives for Public Places:

  • Funeral related gatherings to ensure social distancing & not to exceed 20 persons.
  • Spitting in public places punishable with fine.
  • Consumption of liquor, paan, gutka, tobacco etc.prohibited in public places.
  • Shops selling liquor, paan, tobacco ensure a min.6 feet social distancing ( Do gaz doori) & maximum 5 persons at a time.

National Directives for Workplaces:

  • Nearby hospitals/clinics to treat COVID-19 patients to be identified & listed at the workplaces.
  • Employees showing any symptom of COVID-19 to be immediately sent for check up.
  • Quarantine areas to be earmarked for isolating employees showing symptoms till they are safely moved to medical facilities.
  • Arrangements for transport facilities to be ensured with social distancing as required.

Orange Zone: All activities are permitted in the zone except the activities prohibited nationally and the inter and intra district plying of buses.

While there are some activities which are permitted with restrictions in this zone. Taxi and Cab services are permitted with 1 driver and 2 passengers only.

Green Zone:  All activities are permitted in this zone except the ones which are not allowed throughout the country. Buses are allowed to operate with 50% seating capacity & bus depots will be operated with upto 50% capacity.

Red Zone

Activities prohibited: Inter-district and intra-district movement of buses along with running of taxis, cabs and even auto rickshaws & cycle rickshaws. The malls, barber shops, spas & salons will remain closed.

Activities allowed only outside containment zones:

  • All industrial establishments in urban areas prohibited except: in Special Economic Zones/ industrial estates/townships with access control.
  • Manufacturing units of essential goods, including drugs, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, their raw material and intermediaries.
  • Production units requiring continuous process and their supply chain, jute industry with staggered shifts and social distancing.
  • Private offices can work with upto 33% strength, rest to work from home.
  • All government offices with 100% strength from levels of deputy secretary and above, remaining to attend up to 33%.
  • Defence and security services, health and family welfare, police, home guards, fire and emergency services and such other important services to function without restrictions.
  • Movement of individuals and vehicles only for permitted activities with vehicular restriction — four-wheelers to have maximum two passengers besides driver and pillion rider not allowed for two-wheelers.
  •  All construction activities in urban areas prohibited, except: a) in situ construction, and b) construction of renewable energy projects.
  • All shops selling essential goods will remain open in red zones, except in malls.
  • All shops selling non-essential goods will remain closed in malls, market complexes and markets in urban areas.
  • All stand-alone shops, neighbourhood (colony) shops and shops in residential complexes will remain open in urban areas for essential and non-essential goods.
  • All shops in rural areas (other than mills) will remain open for essential and non-essential goods e-commerce activities only in essential goods.