New Delhi: Opposition MPs including CPI(M) leader Elamaram Kareem, on Tuesday, wrote a letter to Prime Minister Modi urging for urgent actions over the Delhi Police raids on advocate Mehmood Pracha’s office last year. In the letter, several Members of Parliament called for attention to the “serious contravention in the processes of justice by the Delhi Police”.

The letter read – “Supreme Court lawyer, Mehmood Prachha, who is representing several cases of communal victims and order cases involving members of the ruling party at the center, was subjected to search and seizure by a large group of armed police personnel of the special cell Delhi police who barged into his office and conducted searches for over twelve hours”.

The MPs termed the incident as a shocking paradigm and interrogated the center’s authority in breaking the foremost proposition of justice which is the lawyer-client’s privacy.

The letter further mentioned “the purpose was to access computers which had files of many of these sensitive cases. This sets a shocking precedent. If a lawyer is representing cases, not to the liking of the Government, has the police the right to raid the lawyer’s office and break a primary principle of justice which is the confidentiality between a lawyer and the client?”

The opposition leaders remarked that this kind of lawless events would not be tolerated and prompted PM Modi to take immediate actions against Delhi Police, who are responsible for such contra venus and illegal actions.