Kerala crossed the halfway mark on Thursday to pass a House resolution against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led central government decisions to implement the ‘One Nation, One Election’ formula as undemocratic. The resolution moved by the state’s Parliamentary Affairs Minister MB Rajesh on behalf of Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said that the proposal to hold all the elections simultaneously will be against India’s federal structure. Kerala assembly was the first to formally oppose the Centre’s move which has led to debates among various political parties. Surprisingly, the BJP does not have a single member in the Kerala assembly today.

MB Rajesh also points out that the proposal poses a huge danger to the country’s cultural, social, and political diversities. ‘It is an undemocratic proposal.’ We consider this as an act of aggression towards the nation’s federal system, which is enshrined in our basic law. He said that it questions the rights of individuals, the state assemblies, and local self-governments. Rajesh also pointed out that the plan would empower central authorities, which is consistent with the BJP and the RSS, to introduce the model of a unitary system of administration.

The ‘One Nation, One Election’ that is part of the BJP’s 2024 election manifesto has been opposed vehemently by many political parties as well as activists. Its detractors claim it erodes democracy by limiting the number of elections and centralizing power. On September 18, the Union Cabinet got clear suggestions from a committee led by Kovind, the former president, to proceed with the contemplation of grouping an implementation team.

However the legitimacy of this proposal is subject to constitutional change, is a serious issue. To become law the amendment needs a two-thirds support of MPs and of the states through ratification.

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