India: The Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal re-approached Prime Minister in regards to re-initiation of the door step ration delivery scheme in the city. 

Accepting to implement changes, Kejriwal in his letter stated that the state government would tweak the scheme as per the Centres directions. 

 “Till date, I have supported you in all the work of national interest, you should also support us for the same. The scheme should be implemented in the whole country during the COVID times. We are ready to do whatever amendments the Central government wants to make to this scheme. I request you in folded hands-on behalf of 70 lakh poor people of Delhi, Sir, please do not stop this scheme,” wrote Kejriwal in his letter to Prime Minister Modi. 

The AAP Chief on Sunday, had put forth questions on abolishment of the doorstep ration delivery scheme that was reiterated to the centre five times prior its re-initiation on Monday.

Contradicting the home delivery of the online food services; in a press conference, Kejriwal informed that the centre had halted the scheme implementation just two days ahead of re-initiation.  “If pizza, burgers, smartphones and clothes can be delivered at home, then why can’t ration be delivered at their doorstep,” Kejriwal asked. 

 The scheme was originally named the MMGGRY (Mukhya Mantri Ghar Ghar Ration Yojana). However, on March 9, the Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs said  that the subsidised food grains being allocated by the department for distribution under the National Food Security Act (NFSA) cannot be used for running any state-specific or other scheme under a different name other than NFSA. Following which the Delhi Government dropped the name.