In a bid to control air pollution in one of India’s most polluted cities, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal on Monday inaugurated a 20 Meter tall Smog tower. As per reports, the tower that is set in Baba Kharak Singh Marg in Delhi’s Connaught place is able to purify almost 1000 cubic meters of air per second. These smog towers are in line with china where these have been put up in Beijing and other cities for pollution control.

After the inaugural event, Delhi CM seemed hopeful about controlling pollution in the national capital. “We have installed India’s first smog tower in Delhi today. It can help clean the air within one-kilometre range. It has been installed on an experimental basis and data from it will be analyzed by IIT-Delhi and IIT-Bombay”, Kejriwal said.

Delhi, being one of the most polluted cities in the country, needed such a smog tower urgently. A control room has also been set on the site to monitor the events of the tower. An official from the AAP ministry said, “Smog tower is designed to work as large-scale air purifiers, which are fitted with multiple layers of air filters and fans at the base to suck the air in. After the polluted air enters the smog tower, it is purified by the multiple layers before being re-circulated into the atmosphere”. Another similar tower has been set at Anand Vihar which is 25 meters tall and is expected to be functional by August end.

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