Actor and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut continues to remain in the news for her provocative posts on her Instagram handle, this time trivializing the position of Mahatma Gandhi as Father of the Nation. The post was created on 2nd October alongside Gandhi Jayanti, while she commemorated the former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri’s birth anniversary.

After her victory in the Lok Sabha polls, Ranaut has been criticised for her bold statements, and most recently, her comments on farmers’ protests have not been received well by the opposition members. She has said in the Instagram Stories in some haste, “Desh ke pita nahi, desh ke to lal hote hai.” ‘Dhanye hai Bharat ma ke ye lal,’ which means That the country has not fathers but sons. These words come as “Blessed are these sons of Mother India.” Many have seen this remark as the intention to bring a negative spin on Gandhi’s memory.

Later, in another post, Ranaut tried to explain herself by praising PM Narendra Modi for making the country clean and hygienic, following Gandhi’s principles. But her statements have not been left without opposition. Supriya Srinate of Congress dubbed her Godse supporter and slammed her for likening Gandhi to Shastri inappropriately. BJP MP Kangana made this lewd jibe on Mahatma Gandhi’s birth anniversary. Godse worshippers distinguish Bapu from Shastri ji. Will Narendra Modi extend an unconditional pardon to his party’s new Godse devotee? And there is the Father of the Nation; there are sons and martyrs. All men and women should start receiving respect,” the Shrinate said.

Another BJP leader, Manoranjan Kalia, also criticized Ranaut, asserting that such remarks had become a part of the new trend of personalities who can potentially dirty the BJP in the long run and are roaming free.

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