Jalandhar: Four criminals have been captured by the Jalandhar police and three handguns were seized from them, according to authorities, on Thursday. The individuals in custody have been identified as Kulwant Singh from Pashtan village, Amanpreet Singh, Sourav Kumar and Jaspreet Singh from Rihana Jattan village in Kapurthala district.
Mukhwinder Singh Bhullar, the Senior Superintendent of Police, revealed that these suspects were wanted in connection with a total of 13 cases, including robbery, drug trafficking, violations under the Arms Act and attempted murder.
Bhullar disclosed that the group had carried out an attack on Mahavir Singh, a resident of Damunda village on July 30. They allegedly fired gunshots at him. Managed to escape capture. Acting on a tip the crime branch team intercepted the suspect’s motorcycle near Kalaran village. Successfully apprehended them. A subsequent search led to the discovery of three.32 calibre pistols.
Further investigation revealed that the gang had purchased these firearms for ₹1.50 lakh from Manpreet Singh of Saidpur village in Hoshiarpur district. Additionally it was discovered that the accused had shared posts on their Facebook profiles both before and after committing their activities. These posts not detailed their actions. Also served as notifications, to their followers.
This development represents a milestone, in the endeavors of law enforcement to combat criminal activities in the area and hold wrongdoers accountable. The police continue to prioritize the well being and protection of the community actively pursuing individuals involved in actions.