Mumbai: External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Friday addressed terrorism issues in the UN counter-terrorism meeting. Ahead of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack’s 14th anniversary, India is hosting a 2-day anti-terrorism meeting that started today. 

The meeting is taking place at the Taj Hotel Mumbai, the site of the terror attack of 26/11 that shook the world. Jaishankar was seen targeting Pakistan in his speech and he said that terrorism in the country is blooming due to the availability of funds and resources. 

Addressing the meeting of the UNSC (United Nations Security Council), Jaishankar said, “We all know that money is the lifeblood of terrorism. Terrorist organizations require funds and resources to maintain their organizational functions and undertake activities. The reality that terrorism continues to exist and expand points to an underlying truth: that terrorism continues to get the necessary financial resources to thrive.” 

He further added, “A key aspect of combating terrorism is to effectively curb terror financing. Today, the Counter-Terrorism Committee will also be hearing from experts on countering the financing of terrorism in the local & regional context”.

The terrorist attack by Pakistan’s infamous terror group Lashkar-e-Tayyiba or LeT in Mumbai’s Taj Hotel on Nov 26, 2008, literally shook the entire world and not only India. It killed almost 166 people and many were hurt during the encounter. 

One of the prime accused Ajmal Kasab was later arrested by the Indian Army and police force and was later executed. Jaishankar expressed his concern and said that terrorism is a threat to the world and should be controlled by any means possible. 

He also spoke to the attacked victims and the family members of the deceased during the meeting. “We have heard the voices of its victims today. Their loss is immeasurable. However, it’s incumbent on us, as responsible members of the international community to remember that trauma and to persevere in our efforts to bring the perpetrators of terrorism to justice. We owe this to every victim of terrorism across the world”, he said after his interaction with the victims.