Mumbai: In a recent interview, Director Homi Adajania said about the late actor Irrfan Khan that it’s hard to think of cinema without him. After a two-year battle with cancer, Irrfan Khan passed away on April 29, 2020. Homi was the director of Irrfan’s last film, Angrezi Medium. It was one of the last few films that was released before the nation was hit by Covid-19.

Recalling Irrfan’s death, Homi said, “Towards the end of our shoot, Irrfan told me that he had changed deeply as a person. He had his fair share of pain but had redefined it as another sensation in his mind. It wasn’t pleasant he said, but it was different. It just wasn’t pain anymore. He didn’t want fame or stardom anymore either, but when he said ‘Yaar Homi, mujhe acting se bahut mohabbat hai (My friend Homi, I love acting)’ he was not acting, I could feel his words”.

He further added, “Irrfan told me that if he could go back in time and change something, anything, in his life’s journey, he wouldn’t change a thing. He laughed at the human predicament of identifying ourselves through labels given by others- ‘Irrfan Khan the cross-over success’, ‘Irrfan the Superstar’ or just ‘Irrfan Khan’ the name”.

Irrfan’s son Babil has been sharing memories of his father on Instagram since Irrfan has passed away. Recently, he has shared an unseen picture of Irrfan and Amitabh Bachchan in his IG handle. In the picture, the duo is seen hugging with Irrfan’s back turned towards the photo.