India has strongly rebuked Pakistan for referencing Kashmir during a United Nations Security Council meeting on the Israel-Gaza conflict, vowing to treat the mention with the contempt it deserves and refusing to dignify it with a response. This retort came from India’s Deputy Permanent Representative at the UN, Ambassador R. Ravindra, following Pakistan’s UN envoy Munir Akram’s comments about Kashmir during the Security Council’s discussion on the Middle East situation.

Ambassador R. Ravindra, speaking on the matter, stated, “Before I end, there was a remark of habitual nature by one delegation referring to Union Territories that are integral and inalienable parts of my country. I would treat these remarks with the contempt they deserve and not dignify them with a response in the interest of time.”

This firm response underscores India’s long-standing position that Kashmir is an internal matter, and it categorically rejects any outside interference or internationalization of the issue.

During the same UN Security Council meeting, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken delivered a strong message, emphasizing that all acts of terrorism, regardless of the perpetrating group, are unlawful and unjustifiable. He mentioned the Pakistan-based terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) in the context of acts of terrorism, specifically referring to the horrific 26/11 Mumbai attacks. Blinken stressed the universal principle of condemning all forms of terrorism, regardless of the location or the group responsible.

The 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks in 2008, carried out by LeT, were a series of coordinated and devastating assaults that resulted in significant loss of life and injury. This tragic event has been a focal point of international discussions on terrorism and the need for global cooperation in combatting extremist groups.

India’s response, aligning with Secretary Blinken’s message, reinforces the stance that acts of terrorism, irrespective of the perpetrators, must be unequivocally condemned. It also reiterates India’s firm position on Kashmir and its commitment to resolving the issue through bilateral discussions without any external interventions.

The exchange at the UN Security Council serves as a reminder of the complex dynamics surrounding regional conflicts and terrorism and the significance of global cooperation in addressing these challenges. India’s response reaffirms its commitment to its sovereignty and territorial integrity while denouncing efforts to internationalize the Kashmir issue.