New Delhi: According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), it has been confirmed that India overtakes China to become the most populated country in the world. This report emerged on Wednesday, 20 April, marking India as the most populous country. The report said that the current population of China is 1425.7 million, and India’s population is 1428.6 million. This marks the difference between India’s and China’s populations of approximately 3 million.

The United Nations even launched some Population prospects in the year 2022. One of them said that India would overtake China in the year 2023. Most of the Indian population lies between the age category of 15-64 years old, which is 68%. On the other hand, China has 69% of its significant population is in the age category of 15-64 years old. Around 14% of China’s population comprises the 65+ age group, just 7% in India.

China has also improved its life expectancy, 82 years for women and 76 for men. On the other hand, the life expectancy in India is 74 for women and 71 for men. The representative of India in the UNFPA said this about the life expectancy in our country, “The Indian survey findings suggest that population anxieties have seeped into large portions of the general public,”

The reports from the UNFPA have also suggested India, along with many other countries, to focus more on Gender Equality.