India, in response to the worsening situation, warned its citizens to stay away from both Israel and Iran and potentially consider vocation to other countries on Friday. Indian authorities thus asked Indians in such countries to be highly vigilant and lodge themselves at the Indian diplomatic missions. There are almost eighteen thousand Indian nationals in Israel, mainly in the caretaking and IT sector, while the number of Iranian Indians, including traders and academics, equals four thousand.

The alert was released by the Ministry of External Affairs after an object of American intelligence sources regarding increased tensions, including rumors concerning Iranian attacks on Israeli installations. This speculation was seen after fighter jets of Israel had attacked the Iranian Embassy in Syria, causing casualties; among them were senior military personnel.

Travel to Iran and Israel was warned, and the advisory offered the scarcely available option of not traveling on their behalf until it got better. Those in the mentioned countries should take precautions and think of their health first. It stressed that it is necessary to register with Indian Embassies to facilitate communication and support in case of emergency.

Furthermore, the notice soon brought to mind the impact on Indian workers working in Israel, specifically those in the construction sector operations. Close individuals with the knowledge revealed that the latter could jeopardize the existing gov-to-gov treaty to facilitate Indians for construction jobs in Israel. In Israel, already facing critical labor shortages due to the termination of workplace permissions for Palestinian workers, there had just arrived a group of 64 workers from India sent more than just this number to solve the issue. The Israeli authorities have set up such programs, which include a subsidy to charters that take workers from India.

Those kinds of active events show us not only the complexity of the geopolitics context but also the influence of the context on international affairs and labor immigration. An Iran — Israel rift throws more on the table than just the diplomatic transactions, as we see the impact on trade activities and the citizens living in the two countries.

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