INDIA: In the ongoing war against Coronavirus. Prime Minister Narendra Modi once again addressed the nation on Tuesday regarding the lockdown. PM Modi said, “Friends, keeping in mind all the suggestions, it has been decided that the lockdown in India will now have to be increased till May 3. During this time, we have to follow the discipline in the same way as we have been doing right now. If even a single patient grows at the local level then this should be a matter of concern for us.

PM Modi said we will keep patience, if we follow the rules then we will be able to defeat the epidemic like Corona. At the end with this belief, today I am seeking your support in 7 things. ” 7 baat mei apka sath”.

Prime Minister mentioned seven key areas where he would like all the countrymen to help in fighting this pandemic crisis

  • Take special care of the elders of your home, especially those who have a chronic illness, we have to take extra care for them, they have to be protected very much from the corona
  • Completely follow the Lakshman Rekha (guidelines) of Lockdown and Social Distancing. And also use a face mask made in your home only.
  • To increase your immunity, follow the instructions given by the Ministry of AYUSH, consume hot water, decoction, them continuously.
  • To help prevent the spread of corona infection, download the Arogya Setu Mobile App. And Inspire others to download this app as well.
  • Take care of as many poor families as possible, fulfill their food requirements.
  • Be sensitive to people who work for you and try to meet their needs. Do not sack people working for you
  • Give full respect to the Corona warriors of the country, our doctors, nurses, scavengers, policemen.

— Shivam Shrivastava