New Delhi: For the first time ever after Independence, a new law for the registration of media will be rolled out by the Government of India. Digital news creators and publishers will work under the ambit of new law, the breach of which could cost them a penalty or cancelled registration. The British era, Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867 will be amended by the Information and Broadcasting Ministry.

According to the new bill digital news agencies have to apply for registration compulsorily within 90 days of the law coming into effect. The Ministry has planned to form an appellate board to govern the said law and the same will be headed by the Chairperson of Press Council of India.

Meanwhile, the bill is yet to get a nod from Prime Minister’s Office and other responsible heads. Modi Government, first step towards this move came through a draft bill in 2019 that was opposed by all the opposition parties stating that this is an attempt to control the digital news media. The provisions in this law with regard to violations are pretty stern and if the bill is cleared once, consequently on becoming a law all online news creators will have to adhere to the regulations therein.