New Delhi: The Indian Meteorological Department has issued a rainfall alert for Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, and Karnataka for the next 24 hours. According to the reports, a new Western disturbance will reach Western Himalayas on 23 May. Therefore, due to this reason, these states have been given rainfall alerts. In the next 24 hours, parts of Uttarakhand, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, South Coast of Odisha, Rayalaseema, Sikkim, and South Interior Karnataka will experience light to moderate rainfall.

Residents should be informed and pay attention to any cautions and warnings issued by the local government and the meteorological service. Preventative actions like unclogging blocked drains, strengthening vulnerable structures, and avoiding flooded regions may significantly lower the hazards of severe rainfall.

The IMD will keep an eye on weather patterns as the monsoon intensifies and offer frequent updates to guarantee the safety and welfare of the people living in these states.

The IMD’s weather advisory highlights the need for preparation and prudence for severe rainfall in states including Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, and Karnataka. To lessen the possible effects of the monsoon rains, residents are recommended to take the required measures, keep informed, and heed the instructions of local authorities.