Bangalore: Dismissing the petitions filed by Muslim girl students, seeking protection of their right to wear hijab in educational institutions the three-judge bench of Chief Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi and Justices Krishna S Dixit and JM Khazi said:

“We are of the considered opinion that wearing of hijab by Muslim women does not form a part of essential religious practice in Islamic faith… The prescription of school uniform is only a reasonable restriction that is constitutionally permissible which the students cannot object to.”

What came as a major setback for the Muslim girls is the order which further read that the state govt was authorized to pass the order it did on February 5th that pressed students to wear uniforms and that there was no case made out its invalidation.

Hearing the petition for 11 days in a row, the court had reserved its verdict on February 25th.

Ahead of the hearing today, the state govt had imposed Section 144 in view of the law and order maintenance in the capital city. Mangalore also banned large gatherings until March 19th. Schools and colleges across the Udipi district have also been shut down.