Ahmedabad: The Delhi High Court has issued fresh summons to the BBC in a defamation case filed against the British broadcaster by a BJP leader. The case concerns a documentary titled “India: The Modi Question,” which was aired in 2022. The Court notes that it is a foreign identity and the summons must be issued by the Ministry of Law and Justice as per the procedure.

The plaintiff, Binay Kumar Singh, alleges that the documentary defamed the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), and the BJP. He also alleges that the documentary made false and defamatory statements about Narendra Modi, who was the chief minister of Gujarat at the time of the 2002 Gujarat riots.

The BBC has denied the allegations and has said that the documentary is based on factual evidence. The broadcaster has also said that it is willing to defend itself in court.

The High Court had previously issued summons to the BBC in 2022, but the broadcaster challenged the summons on the grounds that it was not properly served. The court has now ruled that the summons were properly served, and it has ordered the BBC to appear in court on July 25, 2023.

The case has attracted widespread attention in India, and it is seen as a test of the limits of freedom of speech in the country. The BBC has said that it is committed to defending its right to report on controversial issues, and it is likely to fight the case vigorously.

The outcome of the case is uncertain, but it could have a significant impact on the freedom of the press in India. If the BBC is successful in defending itself, it will send a strong signal that journalists can report on controversial issues without fear of reprisal. However, if the BBC is found to have defamed Narendra Modi, it could set a precedent that could chill freedom of speech in India.

The case is also being closely watched by international observers, who are concerned about the rise of Hindu nationalism in India. The BBC is a respected international news organization, and its victory in the case would be seen as a victory for free speech and democracy.

The documentary “India: The Modi Question” has been accused of being biased against Narendra Modi and the BJP. The BBC has defended the documentary, saying that it is based on factual evidence. The case has attracted widespread attention in India, and it is seen as a test of the limits of freedom of speech in the country. The outcome of the case is uncertain, but it could have a significant impact on the freedom of the press in India.