New Delhi: Former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, who was discharged from Delhi’s All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) on Sunday evening, has reached his residence and is recovering from Dengue, his family said in the latest update on Manmohan Singh’s health update on Monday. Gursharan Kaur, wife of Manmohan Singh conveyed the family’s gratitude to the former prime minister’s well-wishers.

“We would like to convey our special thanks to all doctors, nurses and support staff of AIIMS and numerous well-wishers for their whole-hearted support and hard work for his speedy recovery (Manmohan Singh’s recovery),” Gursharan Kaur said.

Dr Manmohan Singh was discharged at 5:20 PM on Sunday from AIIMS, Delhi. The former finance minister was admitted to AIIMS on October 13th after he complained of weakness. He was under the observation of expert doctors since then. The 89-year-old leader had earlier been admitted to the premier hospital after testing positive for coronavirus in April this year. The two-time Prime Minister marked his birthday on September 26. Last year too, the widely renowned economist had received treatment at AIIMS after complaining of uneasiness.