Bhopal: Amidst the hype of the mutated variant arriving in the nation, a death due to it has surfaced from Madhya Pradesh. The state on Wednesday reported a death due to a mutated version of the Delta Variant of the novel virus.
Samples collected from the deceased belonging to Ujjain revealed that she was infected with the Delta Plus Variant of the SARS-CoV2.
This is reported to be the first death of the five infected with the mutated variant of the delta strain. Four others recovered after hospitalization. So far 5 cases of the Delts Plus variant have surfaced in Madhya Pradesh. Out of these three were reported from Bhopal and the rest from Ujjain.
The COVID victim who contracted the Delta Plus Variant, died on 23 June, reported Dr Raunak, Ujjain nodal COVID officer. A probe revealed that her husband too contracted the disease after receiving both doses of the vaccine. Whilst the lady was yet to receive her dose. It is reported that the husband successfully recovered.
Madhya Pradesh Medical Education Minister Vishwas Sarang said, “The government is monitoring the situation. Contact tracing has been done for those patients who were found positive for the Delta Plus variant and the reports of their contacts are negative”.
All the hospitals have been directed to follow austere protocols. The state administration has been conducting genome sequencing on a large scale to ensure the identification of mutated infections in time.
Read More: India: 54,069 New Cases; 2,98,29,516 Infected Since the Outbreak
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