Bollywood: Recently, Filmmaker Farah Khan faced some social media trolling. She has stepped out of her house to buy mangoes from a roadside stall. She was wearing a grey colored T-shirt which can be spotted in the video. To make sure it was ripe, she removed her masks and started smelling them.

The video was captured by Paparazzi and then it was shared on the Instagram handle of Viral Bhayani. The caption of the video reads “Keep calm and eat your aam #farahkhankunder #mango #mangoseason #mangolover”.

Since the start of the global pandemic, wearing masks while stepping out of the house has become much necessary. The rule goes for everyone, be it a celebrity, common man, or politician. Many Netizens have started trolling Farah Khan for removing her masks.

Many called her action ‘unhygienic’. A person commented, “Smelling mangoes don’t make sense, what’s the pt? stallers shouldn’t allow ppl to smell his mangoes, as it is spreading disease and very unhygienic”.

Last year, during the time of the pandemic, Farah had slammed the Bollywood celebrities for ‘flaunting’ their privilege. And this year, she got trolled on social media for her actions.