Bollywood: Actress Kareena Kapoor stated on Friday, that she feels extremely ‘heartbroken’ with the way the reputation of the Bollywood industry has been defamed since the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput, who allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself in his Bandra apartment.

Bollywood has received multiple accusations since the Kai-Po-Che actor’s demise in June, starting from its ill-treatment to the ‘outsiders’, to the drug-culture of the stars and some star-kids, from their nepotism or gate-keeping attitude to the social media conspiracy theories – everything has been lambasted by the netizens and a group of reporters.

During a one-day participatory festival arranged by famous journalist Barkha Dutt, Kareena expressed her disappointment from the insensitivity displayed by the netizens towards the members of the movie industry. In the virtual session, titled “We the Women”, journalist Dutt mentioned that after the death of Rajput, the film industry has come under “unprecedented scrutiny”, and she expressed her view, saying that the industry would have to pay the price, as many of the newcomers in earlier days had chosen fear-induced silence instead of protesting against the nepotism. 

Kareena opined that whenever an actor takes a stand on a matter, he/she is trolled on social media sites; and that is the reason why most of them choose not to comment. “Whether you say or don’t, the industry is anyway becoming the softest target. If you say something, you’ll get brickbats, if you don’t, you’ll still get it” – stated the 40-year-old-star.