Delhi: Acid victims are unable to take advantage of the reservation due to lack of information by the institutions. All institutions and states have been asked to specifically mention the reservation column of acid victims in the category in all the admission application forms.

It will be mandatory for all colleges and higher educational institutions in the country to give information regarding the reservation of acid victims in their applications. If any institute denied or disclaim in any admissions as per rules. There is also a provision for action against the PwD Act (Persons with Disabilities Act) this order has been issued by the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development.

According to a senior official of the ministry, the Central Government enacted the Disability Rights Act 2018 in January 2018. New categories of PwDs were added to it. There was also a category of acid victims. Five percent of the total seats in admission are reserved for PwDs. In this, one seat per program has been reserved for acid victims. Educational institutions are not mentioning this in their admission applications.

By law, acid victims were mandated to mention reservation information. Acid victims are not able to take advantage of this due to lack of information by the institutions. That is why all institutions and states have been asked to specifically mention the reservation column of acid victims in the category in all the admission application forms.

Admission on campus will be provided at the help desk

Under the previous instructions of the government, it is mandatory for educational institutions to mention separately for acid victims at their admission help desk. So that common students can spread this information to such victims. Apart from this, if there is more number of victims then there is a provision to increase the number of seats by one per cent.

Reservation will help victims in moving forward says Lakshmi, acid victim

In education, the acid victims will get admission in reservation and will help them to progress in life. After an acid attack, the lives of the victims are plunged into darkness. Disappointed, they give up the desire for life. However, such victims can be promoted only by linking them to education. By effectively implementing this rule, these victims will be able to progress like ordinary girls.