The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted raids at 15 locations in Delhi NCR, Mumbai, and West Bengal as part of its money laundering probe into the Mahadev Online betting app case. These actions, occurring approximately 11 days after the arrest of Nitish Diwan, a close aide to main promoters Sourabh Chandrakar and Ravi Uppal, signify the widening investigation. The case implicates prominent politicians and bureaucrats from Chhattisgarh.

Nine individuals have been arrested thus far, and endeavors are underway to extradite Chandrakar and Uppal from the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The duo, detained in Dubai based on Interpol red notices, faces legal efforts for deportation or extradition to India, with a formal request already dispatched.

The ED’s charge sheet alleges that Chandrakar spent around ₹200 crore in cash on his wedding in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE, in February 2023. The agency claims that illegal funds from the betting app were used for extravagant events, including bribes to politicians and bureaucrats in Chhattisgarh, the home state of the app’s main promoters.

Celebrities and Bollywood actors have been summoned for questioning regarding their connections to the online betting platform and payment modalities.

Two charge sheets have been filed by the ED in the case, naming Chandrakar, Uppal, and others. The estimated proceeds of crime in this extensive probe stand at approximately ₹6,000 crore, according to the ED. The investigation reflects a comprehensive effort to unveil the complex web of financial irregularities, linking high-profile individuals to the alleged illicit activities facilitated through the Mahadev Online betting app.

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