Kawasi Lakhma, a former Congress minister from Chhattisgarh, was summoned to the Enforcement Directorate’s (ED) Raipur office on January 3. According to the agency, investigations conducted on December 28 of last year turned up proof of the former excise minister’s involvement in liquor scams and the receipt of commissions from illegal liquor sales.
It was discovered that Lakhma had used cash “in relation to the points of concern” during the liquor scam. According to the ED, shocking records are believed to be stored on a number of digital devices that were seized during the operation.
As part of the investigation, seven sites in Raipur, Dhamtari, and Sukma were searched.
Lakhma told reporters, “ED asked for documents that were in the village. I requested time to bring them. I will provide all the documents they require. Everyone should respect the law, and I will comply. I will speak the truth. I am a truthful man. I will not comment on political or media questions right now. I will continue to respect the rules and laws.”