NEW DELHI: In the latest move former Congress Party President on Sunday, tweaked his Twitter profile replacing, “Member of Parliament” with “Dis’Qualified MP” in the bio section that appears right below the account name.

“This is the official account of Rahul Gandhi | Member of the Indian National Congress | Dis’Qualified MP,” his bio now reads.

Meanwhile, stepping up its campaign against the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP)-Led government, the Congress party, in solidarity with Gandhi, launched a day-long ‘ Sankalp Satyagrahas’ in front of Gandhi statues across the country on Sunday in protest against former Wayanad MP’s disqualification.

In Delhi, Congress President Kahrge and party Gen Secretary and brother of the former Wayanad MP joined senior party leaders at Rajghat in Delhi. The police have however denied permission to the party to carryout any protests at the site.

The party claims the disqualification was announced in reaction to the opposition consistently prompting a JCP probe in Adani matter and drawing a relation between the Modi govt and Adani. The party said that disqualified member of Parliament is not alone and “millions of congressmen and people irrespective of their political affiliations will join him in this fight for truth and justice. To this end, all Pradesh Congress Committees have been asked to organise a one-day Satyagraha in front of Gandhi statues in all State and District Headquarters from 10 AM to 5 PM on Sunday.

Following the Surat court’ conviction in 2019 defamation case, Gandhi was disqualified from the Lok Sabha. The court had also announced a jail term as quantum of punishment howevr, Gandhi was granted bail and sentece was suspended for 30 days to allow him to appeal in a higher court.