New Delhi: After the Indian healthcare system was overwhelmed with critical COVID patients, neighbouring countries took a stand by the nation to supply essentials needed for the stabilisation of the collapsed system. 

A spokesperson of the Delhi International Airport Limited stated the arrival of 25 flights laden with 300 tonnes of emergency COVID relief supplies in the past five days. The supplies include 5,500 oxygen concentrators, 3,200 oxygen cylinders and 1,36,000 Remdesivir injections.

  Dr Nutan Mundeja, Director General of Health Services, Delhi government said,” As far as I know, we have not received anything so far.”

As per sources, by April 30, Delhi Airport had received 500 oxygen concentrators from the United Kingdom, 700 from Ireland. On May 2, another 1,000 oxygen cylinders arrived from the United States and 150 oxygen concentrators from Uzbekistan. Yet hospitals and families continue to make desperate appeals for oxygen supplies on social media. 

As per the second wave statistics several states including Delhi, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, and Jharkhand have been constantly irking the government for aids to stabilize the stricken health care system.

  Kumar Rahul, secretary in Punjab health department, said,” We really need these supplies, but we don’t even know they have arrived.”  principal secretary in the state health department, Tamil Nadu also stated the dire need for relief supplies to the state.  Jharkhand state national health mission director, Ravi Kumar Shukla, said the state had “no information” of any emergency supplies being allocated to it. 

Source’s report, four shipments sent by the United States landed at Delhi airport between Friday morning and Sunday night. “As each US shipment arrives, USAID is transferring ownership of provided materials upon their arrival to the Government of India through the Indian Red Cross organization,” said a spokesperson of the US embassy in New Delhi. “We refer you to the Government of India for information about the deployment and use of these materials subsequent to their transfer.”