NEW DELHI: Foiling attempts on students at the Delhi University, police officials on Friday were seen dragging students as they tried to hold a screening of the controversial BBC documentary series. The chaos comes two days after similar attempts were made at the JNU in South Delhi.

Students claimed the police acted violently even though the student intended for a peaceful show. They alleged that ‘Sanghi goons’- referred to as members of the BJPs Mentor body RSS and its wings attacked those who gathered for the screening.

Earlier on Thursday, the Congress party organized the public screening of a controversial BBC Documentary in Kerala. 

The documentary, India: The Modi Question, has sparked uproar and the Central government has called it a “propaganda piece”. The central government has imposed a ban on the BBC documentary which is based on the 2002 riots in PM Modi’s home state- Gujarat.

The documentary highlights the sectarian violence in Gujarat when Modi was the chief minister of the state. The documentary pointed to the massive homicide of Muslims after a train carrying Hindu pilgrims was attacked and burnt by a Muslim mob.  Former UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw who is featured in the documentary claimed that according to an inquiry by the British Govt the then administration of Modi when he was the CM of Gujarat, had created ” a climate of impunity” for the rioters.

The Centre has blocked the controversial documentary across all social media platforms. Any attempts to screen the film will be a violation of Intellectual Property Rights, the Ministry of External Affairs said this week.