New Delhi: In a twist to the Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga arrest saga, the Delhi Police on Friday, April 6th, accused the Punjab Police of “kidnapping” the BJP leader. The Delhi Police registered an FIR against the Punjab Police cops, alleging abduction, at the Janakpuri police station. The crime branch of the Kurukshetra district then intercepted the Punjab Police team, taking Tajinder Singh Bagga, near the Khanpur Kolia National Highway-GT Road crossing and took them in for interrogation.

The Punjab Police arrested BJP leader Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga on Friday morning based on a complaint by AAP leader Sunny Singh last month. Sunny Singh had alleged that Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga had made provocative statements, spread rumours, and tried to create religious and communal enmity. Bagga allegedly threatened Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal during a protest on March 30th. Addressing a press conference, BJP leader and spokesperson Nupur Sharma said that Bagga was arrested without completing procedural formalities. As per the Delhi High Court ruling, this arrest is illegal, she added.

The complainant also submitted statements and video clips of Bagga to the police. Reacting to the arrest, the BJP alleged a political vendetta by the Aam Aadmi Party and said that AAP national convener and Delhi CM was misusing Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann’s position. Meanwhile, the Punjab Police has rejected the allegation that Bagga was kidnapped and has written a letter to the Haryana DGP along with a copy of the FIR. It has also accused the Haryana Police of stopping it from discharging its duties.