NEW DELHI: After 2 failed attempts, the Delhi Municipal Corporation House is set to convene on Monday to elect a mayor for the city.

The first two sessions were held on Jan 6 and 24th respectively but were adjourned amidst the ruckus and acrimonious exchange among members of the BJP and AAP parties in the house. In the first session, no proceedings were carried out. In the second session, however, the nominated members followed by the elected members took the oath. Subsequently, the house was adjourned by the presiding officer and BJP councilor Satya Sharma.

While BJP members had walked out of chamber shouting anti-AAP and anti-Arvind Kejriwal slogans, the AAP members held a peaceful protest in the House for nearly five hours.

As per the DMC Act 1957, the mayor and the deputy mayor are to elected in the very first House that convenes after the civic polls. However, it’s been two months since the municipal elections were held, and Delhi is still to get a mayor.

The civic polls were held in Decemeber 4th, and the vote counting was on done on December 7th.