INDIA: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will interact with the Chief Ministers of all the states via video conference on April 27. This will be Modi’s third such conferences to discuss the coronavirus pandemic and the steps being taken to arrest the spread of the virus.

Earlier, Modi had extended the COVID-19 lockdown from 14 April to 3 May to combat the spread of the deadly pandamic. In addition to that, Telangana became the first state to extend the lockdown further to 7 May, 2020.
Before the lockdown was announced on March 24, the prime minister had interacted with the chief ministers on March 20 to discuss the means to check the spread of the deadly virus.

In his last such interaction with the CMs, Modi had thanked the states for supporting the decision of the 21-day nationwide lockdown and praised how all the states have worked together as a team to check the spread of the virus.

Meanwhile, over the past 24 hours, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has confirmed 1,486 new cases of coronavirus and 49 deaths from the region. India’s death count went up to 652.