WORLD: According to the latest global updates, the total confirmed cases has surged and reached the tally of 4,183,270 with 54,991 new cases reported on Sunday. The deadly virus has killed 282,743 people and 2,404,913 active patients are still struggling with it. 2,519 new deaths have been reported in the last 24 hours while 1,465,614 people have recovered worldwide.

Though many experts have said that the numbers enumerated are certainly much lower than the actual figures, yet the track records from specific countries reveal certain trends, like uneven outbreaks in the US, Mexico & Canada, the rising crisis in Russia and the deceleration of Italy’s disaster.

Important highlights of the Global Update : 

  • 488 new cases and 410 new deaths in Ecuador.
  • 6,610 new cases and 324 new deaths in the United States.
  • 3,923 new cases and 268 new deaths in the United Kingdom.
  • 1,938 new cases and 193 new deaths in Mexico.
  • 1,036 new cases and 177 new deaths in Canada.
  • 802 new cases and 165 new deaths in Italy.
  • 1,880 new cases and 143 new deaths in Spain.
  • 4,330 new cases and 111 new deaths in India.
  • 11,012 new cases and 88 new deaths in Russia.
  • 801 new cases and 83 new deaths in Brazil.

On Sunday, Ecuador became the country reporting maximum deaths in 24 hours. Till now, the US continued to report maximum deaths everyday, however today it reported second highest deaths in 24 hours.

The United Kingdom doesn’t show any positive sign as of now. It has reported the second highest active cases as well as total deaths worldwide. 3,628 new cases with 268 deaths were recorded in the country today.

In few countries, there has been a significant decline in the number of active cases, however there could be different reasons for the same. Among the top ten countries Spain and Italy have shown a decrease of around 1500 active patients. Meanwhile, Italy reported 165 new deaths & Spain reported 143 new deaths in the last 24 hours. According to this data, even in the worst case scenario, around 900 patients must have recovered on Sunday, which is slightly positive for these countries.

At the same time, the countries that had been quite successful in containing the virus till now, are now observing small new outbreaks and other alarming signals. These countries are putting the  other nations in their dilemma of whether to end the lockdown or not. 

China, the country where the Coronavirus is said to have originated, and consequently the outbreak of the pandemic that took over the world later, began to reopen weeks ago after reports of new cases relatively slowed down.

Now, some areas of northeastern China had to increase restrictions after a cluster of cases emerged among the people who returned from Russia, where infections are increasing rapidly. One town in Jilin Province, Shulan, recorded 11 new cases on Saturday.  

South Korea had stopped its outbreak with large-scale testing, contact tracing and surveillance, and encouraged people to cautiously resume their lives. But after Saturday, the new cases continued to rise even on Sunday. 34 new cases were reported on Sunday increasing the tally of confirmed cases in the country.

Germany, known well for its efficient health model, has restarted the public life but is also thoroughly monitoring the case reports. According to the health authorities, “The country’s R0, or R-naught, which represents the number of new infections estimated to stem from a single case, had risen from a low of .65 earlier in the week to 1.1.  The institute cautioned against reading too much into the number, which is highly variable, especially when the overall number of infections is low.”

The data of top countries that are worst hit by the COVID-19 : 

Sr.No.CountryActive casesTotal CasesDeaths
1.United States1,034,3821,353,91980,361
2.United Kingdom186,984219,18331,855

In India, the nationwide lockdown seemed to have slowed the transmission of the virus till April. The country of 1.35 billion population has reported a total of more than 67,000 cases. The government has begun easing restrictions and the number of new infections in the country has shot up. The doubling rate has dropped from around 12 days to 9.5 this week.

The official tally in many countries is being considered suspicious due to the lack of testing and disparate methods for counting coronavirus cases. Mexico, where interviews and data obtained by various agencies indicate that the government is not reporting hundreds, possibly thousands, of deaths in the capital. However, even the undecount data presents a wary situation for Mexico.