WORLD: On Friday, World Health Organisation officials said that although slowing down of corona virus cases in worst-hit developed countries like Spain,Italy, Germany,France is overwhelming. However, easing on the restriction of lockdown can definitely spur deadly resurgence in the entire world.

“WHO wants to see restrictions lifted as much as anyone. At the same time, lifting restrictions too quickly could lead to a deadly resurgence. The way down can be as dangerous as the way up if not managed properly,” WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said. 

WHO is anxious for other countries which are less accessible to health care system like African nations.There’s been an “alarming acceleration” of cases in other countries, especially in Africa, Tedros said. He said that there are clusters of cases that indicates community spread, where the virus spreads without a known source, in more than 16 countries in Africa, which poses a threat to already overstretched health-care systems. 

Tedros added that the WHO is especially concerned about the high level of health-care workers infected across the globe. He said that in some countries, reports indicated up to 10% of health workers are infected with COVID-19. “This is an alarming trend. When health workers are at risk, we’re all at risk,” Tedros said. 

As the new coronavirus virus spread across the globe, the death toll has surpasses the mark of 1,00,000 already within the 100 days of being declared as pandemic. It has already infected 1.7 Million people worldwide and has reportedly 3,70,000 recovered patients from this virus. Currently, the major focus of every country is to keep maintaining social distance as much as possible.