New Delhi: India is experiencing not only a second wave of novel coronavirus but also witnessing an alarming statistics that show a troubling future ahead.

The Health Ministry reported a slight drop in the infection graph recording only 40,611 after the highest count of the year on 22 March. The tally now stands at 1,16,86,330 infectious cases. 29,735 have recovered and are advised self-isolation. 

 With increased positivity rate and ‘R’ factor, India is on verge of breaking the records in terms of cases and Covid deaths. The death count of the nation rose to 1,60,200.

What is R-factor?

The ‘R’ factor – a statistic used worldwide to track, and potentially, control the spread of the virus – is a measure of how many people are being infected by one infected person.

An ‘R’ of 2.0 indicates that one person with COVID-19 will, on average, infect two others. Each of those two will infect two more (spreading the disease to an average of four people) and so on. 

Health ministry report poor social distancing and zero mask discipline have contributed majorly to the second wase. Citing this many states have deployed special forces to monitor the public laxatives.

New Hotspots:

While Maharashtra, Punjab, Gujrat, Chhattisgarh, and Karnataka continue reporting surge, other states have also emerged as new hotspots which include Odisha, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh