New Delhi: The spread of coronavirus outbreak has been expanding every day in India. Inspite of several measures undertaken by the government of every, World’s largest democratic country have failed miserably to control the upsurge of the cases.

On Friday morning, The total number of coronavirus cases in India surged to 39,36,748 Currently, the nation has recorded 68,472 death reports and 30,37,152 recovered cases of infection.

India registered more than 83,000 new coronavirus cases for the second straight day. Maharashtra rose by 18,105 on Thursday — the highest single-day count so far — whereas Andra Pradesh saw a surge in the cases with over 10,000 cases came to light yesterday.

The number of deaths reported in the last 24 hours were 1,096. India has so far recorded over 39.3 lakh cases and 68,472 deaths, the third highest in the world on both counts.

The number of active COVID-19 patients in the country stands at 8,31,124 on Thursday. On the positive side, 66,659 people were recovered from the disease. India’s recovery rate from novel coronavirus disease zoomed to 77.15% on Thursday, the highest so far.

Maharashtra is ahead of all states with 8,43,844 confirmed cases. The state has claimed 25,586 confirmed deaths and over 6 lakh recovered from the disease.

A total of 4,66,79,145 samples tested up to 3rd September 2020. Of these, 11,69,765 samples were tested yesterday, which helped the daily positivity to remain low at 7.2% even as 83,341 fresh cases.

The three-day average of fresh cases reported by India on September 3 was 77,387, which was 92.3% of the peak of 83,883 cases, which was itself reported on September 3. In no other country among the top 20 was this even 80%. Of the 210 countries and territories for which the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) compiles daily Covid data, this ratio was the highest for India.