INDIA: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday through a video message urged Indians to switch off their lights for 9 minutes at 9 PM on Sunday and asked everyone to light candles,’diya’ or their mobile’s flashlight to mark the fight against Coronavirus. He also cautioned Indians from venturing out on the streets during the nine-minute activity. 

“I request you all to switch off the lights of your house on 5th April at 9 PM for 9 minutes and light a candle,’diya’ or mobile’s flashlight to mark our fight against Coronavirus”, PM Modi stated in a video message. 

Prime Minister essentially said that this collective expression of purpose and togetherness would help the nation get through this time of crisis. He further appealed to all congregation during this period,and under no circumstances should this rule be broken. 

Addressing the nation,Modi made it very clear that the Coronavirus threat could only be combated with the full co-operation of the people and the collective strength was what would take the country out of what he termed “darkness that engulfs us in the form of Coronavirus.” 

Acknowledging that being locked down could be lonely full of anxiety ,Mr. Modi assured the people that “We none of us, are alone” and that the “Collective will of 1.3 billion people of India was with us in this time of crisis.” 

Opposition’s jibe at this address 

The opposition parties took a jibe at Prime Minister Modi’s video message on Friday. Senior Congress leader and former Finance Minister Mr. P.Chidambaram tweeted, “We will listen to you and light diyas on April 5. But in return,please listen to us and to the counsel of epidermologists and economists.” Another congress leader Mr. Shashi Tharoor tweeted, “Listen to Pradhan Showman. Nothing about how to ease people’s pain,their burdens,their financial anxieties. No vision of future or sharing the issues he is weighing in deciding about the post- lockdown. Just a feel-good moment curated by India’s photo-op Prime Minister!”