New Delhi: The country continues to report a major rise in the mortality rate logging nearly 4,187 deaths. It is the fourth time in a week that MoHFW reported more than 4 lakh cases.  The total caseload stood at 2,18,86,725 while 3,19,469 recuperated.   

Several states in the last few days have announced lockdowns and curfews to curb the transmission. Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Manipur are the latest to be added to the list. A two-week lockdown has been announced in Karnataka from Monday till May 24. Tamil Nadu has also announced a two-week curfew. In Manipur, curfew will be enforced till May 17.

 The country may be able to dodge the third wave if strong measures are taken, the centre said on Friday. Meanwhile, Delhi CM stated that the state had received oxygen and had restored stability across all its hospitals.  A deluge of distress messages from hospitals and patients’ families and friends had made headlines over the last two weeks. 

Maharashtra Health Minister Raje Tope predicts the third wave to be dangerous for children.  The state, which has recorded the country’s highest overall caseload, has started preparing Covid centres for children. India doesn’t have a vaccine for children. 

On Friday, the centre lost its case in the Supreme Court against a High Court order asking it to increase its supply of medical oxygen to Karnataka for Covid patients. “We cannot leave the people of Karnataka in the lurch,” the Supreme Court said. Marathon hearings are being held in courts over the shortage of resources amid India’s fight against the second wave. 

Amongst the international donations, Northern Ireland, UK sent across the world largest cargo plane carrying three 18-tonne oxygen generators and 1,000 ventilators.

 Nearly 23 lakh doses were administered in the past 24 hours, so far the nation inoculated 16.7 crore Indians.